Grow your mind: You make call, life to the fullest, healthy, wealthy and wiser.

You make the call and the moves. The one who makes the change in your life is you. You make the decision and action, in your relationship, community, coworker, nation and the world. It makes a huge difference when you set your mind in a different perspective. The path you take depends on your condition, either dark or light, or somewhat in the middle, it is the path you are choosing to walk on. If it’s dark, you need the light.
You need to take a different approach in your mindset so you can grow your mind. Don’t let the world create you. You create your own world. That is entirely up to you. In order to move the world around you, here are some steps you can take.
Moving the world to your perspective:
- Start your day while it’s dark.The day starts with darkness then the light. So start your day with planting something good in the dawn, before the sunrise breaks.
- Meditate before going to sleep. Meditate on the things you want to receive, on how you want to receive it. Don’t try to think of who owes you and who you owe, or people who did wrong to you and all those negative thoughts.
- Giving thanks to God is a definite gratitude, allowing your mind to be grateful. Being grateful will open more doors that no man can shut, once God opens it. And that door is for you and you alone.
- Tell your mind to focus on your growth. Never tell your mind to change this or that person, as that change depends on them. You need to be focused on you, as you can control you, not others.
- Start your day with a renewed mind. Change the paradigm of your mind. Renew or reset your mind into a peaceful and joyful mood when you start your day, even if it’s a rough day ahead of you. Reset your mind from the state where you were, before you slept. You have planted good thoughts, so now is the time to harvest. All things work together for good that love God. The things that you are about to go through are part of growing, and should not stop to go forward.
- Ask for God’s wisdom. The wisdom from God exceeds and supersedes the wisdom of the world. He gives it liberally. Before you do things, ask for it.
- Allow yourself to be the funnel of blessings that day. Regardless of your circumstances, make sure you follow the golden rule, do unto others what you want to be done into you. Always strive harder to do things for others, it’s all about helping others, that makes you feel good.
- Celebrate small wins. It doesn’t matter what you received, but how you receive it. Do you celebrate even when you lose? Allow yourself to celebrate regardless, as you don’t accept losing, but you are a victor not a victim. Treat yourself with chocolate or coffee.
- Live for today. Allow yourself to have an understanding that you only have today. Tomorrow, next week, next month or next year is not promised. You only have today. Make the best of it. Live today as if it’s your last.
- Walk the talk. Some people live talking and not doing it. Better do it, than talk about it.
The scripture says all the issues of life flows from the heart. So whatever you plant in your subconscious mind, will reveal how you live. By following these steps, you will have a great start and finish all day, and you will be the source of good things. You shall reap what you sow. As long as you did your best that day, let God do the rest. Remember you are in partnership with God.