Turn ideas to use

Ideas are coming from everywhere, you and others. The question is are you going to act on it? There are many great ideas, but which one will be great for you to do? Or are you going to do it, regardless if they are not so great ideas.
Look around you and ask yourself, who else will carry this ideas? You will not thought of it if you are not thinking of it. Those thoughts don’t just get into your brain just to be part of your mental thinking and it will be gone later. Ideas are there for you to do and act on it. You may hesitate or fear to act on it. All ideas are to be feared, because they are big and no one has it, even you don’t know it is possible. But it is the mind that also planted fear, it is there to motivate you. Sometimes you need place that fear, outside your imagination and conquer it. What you really need is faith that you can do it.
Good or great ideas are there but how do you know it’s an idea in the first place? The first thing you need to identify is that idea can be helpful and useful to humanity. When you have a idea, it is very important that you are the only one what got it and no one else. The electric current we enjoy now, it comes from an idea because of flying kite and hit by a lightning. That idea is unique in every possible angle you look at it. Electric current is unique, no one has heard of it. But now the whole world get’s to use of it. Idea is always something that is new, improves or upgrade from where it was before. Computers are always innovative and changing every six months, because one have a better idea than the other. Are you willing to get it out there, no matter what the critics will say. Idea is just an idea, if you don’t put it to action. Bill Gates develop the idea and sold the idea to IBM, which then bought the idea and made Microsoft the way they are now.
Idea can stand for Identifying Data Encapsulated Attentively. Identify the data and watching closely as it develops in your mind. The idea has to be built in your mind concretely, before you do the actual work. It’s working from the unseen world, to the seen world. It has to be finished in your mind, before starting to construct into reality.
Everyone, I mean every body in this world 7.8 billion, people in the world has an idea that is unique no matter what your race or gender. Animals don’t have the quality that human has. We are built for more. You are to do greater thing!
Identifying ideas are sometimes comes the least you expected. You have to be alert of things to catch it. There are only 2 percent that are definite thinkers in this world, 98 percent are drifters. So which percent do you belong? Sometimes we stop thinking of ideas because of criticism, which creates fear of failure or something has to be perfect. That’s why it is called ideas, it is to be perfected while it is in your mind.
Be a thinker and a doer, the idea in your mind will take you to a different level of life. It is what I called elevated. Having great with ideas, comes responsibility. It has to be part of you, that have to live and breathe with it, in order for that idea to work. Putting the idea on paper and plan accordingly, is the best way to do it. You have to write the ideas and get those drawing out of your mind, until you have a final clear picture, what is the idea is all about. The idea is from precepts, concepts and end with vision. The precepts are just out there, like juggled, scrattered and nothing is form yet, then comes the concept, which is the blueprint in your mind, then comes the vision to facilitate the outcome that will affect the subject. You have to envision that it is already done in your mind before putting it in action. Like I always say, you have to be a thinker and a doer. Or else it will just be an idea that will be out to trash, after it just pass through you, and never taking action. And that’s the bottom line!
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My name is Professor Allen, I would like to welcome you to my youtube channel. And today I want to share about how important to put your ideas to use. Enjoy the video and don’t forget to subscribe and ring the bell for more updates