Setting your goal in life

The value of life is the goal of life. It is to achieve the value of you. If your like a diamond, your value will be worth more than gold. Setting your dreams is to set your value high. If you say I’m at my place where I can earn money, is your goal to get more money or looking what are you becoming like in that area, you must be looking at your income not your outcome. Setting your goal is deciding what you want. You have to have a definite outlook of what you really want before setting up your goals.
Unlock your potential by discovering what you are good at, and build your skills from there. Don’t be a copy cat, just don’t do it because every body is doing it. Know how you are designed. There is no other person know you better than you. If you don’t know, look in the mirror and take a pen a paper and do a self evaluation. Ask yourself, what this person in the mirror can do.
To achieve your goals is to have knowledge on where you are. Why are you doing it. You have to know the reason and ask what is the goal of me being there. Is it going to make you a better person or it’s just waist of your time.
Preparing yourself and setting into a different mindset will allow you to evaluate yourself about all situations that you might face. There is a saying that is better to prepare a plan than fail to plan. You have to be better at planning before taking actions. Prepare a plan that has a winning plan. Never plan if the outcome will make you or anyone to suffer. Have a winning attitude when planning, this way you are setting up plan that has worth more than the standard that the world says. You have to plan that has a standing ovation, that your audience, yourself, is pleased with the results before taking action. Visualize that you are already there. Speak of the things that are to take place, as if they are already there. Make your visual be your goal.
Write things down as you plan your goal. That is part where visually putting everything in perspective. As you write things down, you will see how you can adjust the equation and the findings. At least create three different scenarios and choose what fits you. Never allow yourself to just do it without planning. Make sure you keep old goals and old experience that can help you see what have you done in the past to make it better in the future. And every goal you achieve, mark it off and make a stamp that says completed. When you mark it and place what the status is, you are making it easier to identify quickly what’s next.
The wish, want and walk is a very good example for planning as you write things down. Your wish could be, I wish when I buy the car it is less than market value, I wish I am the leader of my team. The want is to get that car in market value, I want to contribute a good report with my team. The walk is when they sell the car of a higher vale, or your team will not accept your input. Don’t try to swerved or try to do something else other than what you plan or else it will lead to disaster. Don’t set the bar to low as the expectation will be low. Always have your standards in higher level. When the pressure is on, you develop your skill value. Never compromise and settle for anything less.
Spend some time in setting your goals every day and affirm that you are that vessel and only vessel to fulfill your goal. It will setup your daily affirmation if you set mind on your goal daily. There are many people set their goal and stay with it. That’s good if you think that’s all you are going to do all your life. Life is always changing, yesterday is not the same as today, but your goal has to be the same.
To identify where your goal is coming from and what is for the goal for, will give you a sense of purpose. If it’s for that purpose then it has to be done, no matter how hard the goal will be.
Setting goal is setting your purpose. It has to be self fulfilling, exciting, and enjoyable. Without goals, you are just going with the flow like everyone else. The goals setting is putting you in a direction where you next step should and would be. You become what you think about. Your mindset has to rule your body and your surroundings.
Setting goal:
- Always remember you are valuable
- Unlock your potential and abilities
- Ask questions what is you priority, what do I want to achieve
- Prepare yourself in line with your priorities
- Write goals down
- Making mistakes is part of the walk to get to your goal
- Have fun and enjoy the ride
- Set the goal and stick to it
- Go back and re-read from the top