Promise kept. What is a promise?
It is a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified or a legally binding declaration that gives the person, to whom it is made a right to expect a claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act or reason to expect something. A simple straight term is to do what one said you would definitely do.
Some people call you a promise-breaker when you can’t keep your promise. That is why be very careful to make a promise. Also to those people who were given a promise, are you doing your part? Because a promise comes sometimes with a condition. It’s like in a contract, there is a statute of limitations and terms and conditions.
How do you keep a promise?
- A promise needs to be announced by the promiser. The person who makes such a promise needs to say and commit to it.
- Don’t over promise. Sometimes you overdo it and their expectations will be high as well.
- Don’t do it with impulse. Sometimes we act through impulsive to make a promise.
- Be sincere. You have to be honest and sincere.
- Stay within your principle. Sometimes they can misinterpret your promise and not see your principle and conditions.
- Remind the other party the terms. The problem is sometimes, we focus on the promise but not on the terms.
Promise is showing your integrity and attitude. Be careful to make promises you can’t keep. Your words are powerful, so be very careful as it is written, from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. There is one I know who always keeps His promise, God is a promise keeper, just depends on God’s promises as He will never break them.