How to become valuable in your field and get paid more.
When you look at yourself in a mirror, does the person looking at it have value? Can I pay this person more than the average person makes? In the world of competitive markets, some will accept whatever works, as they need to eat and survive. But when you ask them about their ideas, they will automatically be excited and their eyes will light up. And they quickly say, my idea is great but I have no choice because I have to survive for now. Some are working on their idea, while working a mediocre job until they get it done.
The bottom line is, are you in the lane where you are supposed to be or getting on the right lane first. When running a race, the first question you have to ask yourself is, are you in the right lane? A lot of people dreamed of winning the race and they are not in the right lane. One example is, you dream of becoming a pilot, but at the same time you work as a dishwasher, which there is no problem with being a dishwasher, it’s a decent and honest job. What you can do is clean dishes while learning how to become one as a pilot? When you aspire to become one, thrive and strive until you make it happen, while you are working as a dishwasher.
Can you really show your value or worth?
Here are some tips on how you can drive your value high:
- First thing, you have to identify what you are good at, do you love doing it? Everyone has something that they are passionate about. If you don’t know it yet, make your conscious and subconscious work for you, and until you get that aha moment, and move towards it. Do what is in your heart.
- Are you working hard or smart? Working smart is the key to increasing your value. The working hard part will always show when you work smart.
- Build your skills and abilities. Keep learning. Read books, online resources, go to seminars, listen to audiobooks and get a mentor to guide you in the field you have chosen. Never stop learning until the day you die, as this world has many tips and tricks to offer everyday. Knowledge of the product you are selling is the key. You have to be knowledgeable of you and or the product you are selling. The more you learn, the more you earn.
- Visualize yourself that you are already there. You have to picture yourself flying the plane, if you dreamed of becoming a pilot. Don’t listen to negative people. Surround yourself with the right positive attitude and that can develop your self esteem and attitude in a place where you can grow. Your environment is one contributor on how you can grow or die. Choose the right people.
- Check your personality. If you are the buyer, would you want to buy from the person selling you, that is grumpy and not smiling. First impression is what people look for when you first meet them. To practice your attitude you have to be the same with or without people.
The thing you need to understand is your value will depend on you and no one else. You can even have someone there backing you up that’s why you got that job with a high salary, but as soon as that person is no longer working there, what will happen to you if you rely on them. Your value will increase if you learn how to assess yourself. Your competition is you. Don’t try to compete with others, you need to compete with yourself. You also need to understand that you are valuable and you are precious, you just need to realize that! Anyone and anybody has to believe in what they’re capable of, and how valuable you are. Unless you understand that, none of this will make sense and will not come into fruition.